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I like to think of my services as life-changing, because I strive to eliminate bad habits and establish new healthy ones. If you want to learn more about my clients’ past experiences and the amazing results they’ve achieved, you can hear it straight from them. Check out some of their testimonials below!

I am so pleased with Precision Nutrition Coaching. I was recommended to Precision Nutrition by my fantastic personal trainer Marius.

I am a 46 year old women and I have tried many diets in my life but non of them was long lasting. 

Precision Nutrition coaching is the best method I have tried, they talk you to you everyday through an email, making you ready mentally, slowly and very positively. 

What I like the most is that I can eat what I like and no need to buy specific foods or snacks. Their message is so easy accessible. I can listen to my daily lessons at any times. When I have any questions or concerns I just send an email to my coach and I have a replay straightaway or within a couple of hours. 

Many thanks to Marius and to Precision Nutrition for your support all the way. 

Sherie Rostampour, 46 years 

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"After taking a break from the gym I decided to go get back in the swing 
of things and decided to have a PT session with Marius to help guide 
what I was doing in the gym as I found my old routines had become stale. 
Right from the first second of the session Marius made the atmosphere a 
welcoming one with starting on discussion of what I had done before, 
what I enjoyed and what I was looking to achieve all was done in a 
non-judgmental or pressured way. After the initial meeting the 
explanation and demonstrations on the exercises were very well done and 
you could tell attention to detail on things like weights being used was 
being thought of to ensure I was not putting myself at risk of injury 
whilst still getting a good work out. After the session the 
communications from Marius have been amazing as well as the passing 
conversations at the gym. With the work out session Marius wrote up and 
sent to me after the session it has helped keep myself focused and on 
the right track and the friendly chit chat in the gym has greatly helped 
in keeping me motivated. All in all it was a great experience and would 
thoroughly recommend anyone who was considering it to arrange a session 
with Marius as you will wonder why you waited so long afterwards!"

Lee Wood, 34 years 

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Having been to the Dr, a physio and an osteopath then thinking I would have to give up running, I then turned to Marius for help. What a transformation! I’m not only running again, I’m smashing Pbs and running long distances whilst now enjoying the progress in my 121 personal training sessions.


His technical knowledge of the physical body and nutrition is impressive.


Marius took time to listen, gave me exercises to gain core strength and manage my lower back pain.

He watches attentively thru the training sessions correcting posture and encouraging me to achieve more. His training sessions are never dull.

Jacquie King 

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Marius has been a great personal trainer helping me achieve the goals I wanted (here's why.. you can too)

Before competing in a show I was very uncertain about how to adjust and lose enough weight ready for the stage.

I knew he had trained many people and helped them achieve the results they wanted, both competitors, people looking to lose fat/build muscle and overall feel a lot better.

I was still a bit nervous.... However he helped me along the way and assured me both physically and mentally. If you're feeling nervous about going to the gym or concerned about anything...

Don't worry, he is very assuring and will help you step by step to achieve the result you want. I would highly recommend him. He is extremely knowledgeable and spends a ridiculous amount of time learning about nutrition/training and psychology.

Dane Knighton

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